[DeSForM 2023] 05 -07 July, 2023 !

Hosted by AiDLab, the 12th edition of DeSForM 2023- Boundless: Aesthetics, Human Experience and Intelligence for the New Normal - the three-day conference was successfully held in Hong Kong, from 5-7Jul 2023. The conference presents leading research that investigates the integration of aesthetics, functionality and advance technologies to enhance experiences, well-being, and business.

Conference topics:

  • Form, interactivity, and the human experience
  • Fashion: Process, Visualizations, Artifacts and Beyond
  • Innovation in product and service design
  • Wearables and alternative skins

About DeSForM
DeSForM, the conference on Design and Semantics of Form and Movement, aimed to foster discussion in the design community around how to design the meaning, aesthetics, and experience of responsive and dynamic artifacts. It invites professionals from academia, industry and the creative community to come together to collaborate and engage in active discussion, as well as to explore future opportunities and challenges.

Website: https://www.desform2023.org/
Event Highlights: https://youtu.be/m-mstk0BooQ